The Sabbath Recorder - December 2015 - page 18

December 2015 • SR
With the holidays just around the corner, Christians are
provided an excellent opportunity to carry out the great
commission. We go caroling, put on Christmas pageants,
set up nativity scenes, have soup/turkey suppers, make
cards for shut-ins and those in the hospital, and provide
for the less fortunate through clothing and food drives.
During the holiday season we are more focused and
inspired than any other time of the year to spread the
good news — and people tend to seem a little more
We are accomplished at focusing outwardly and doing
little evangelism activities during Christmas to draw
people in from the community. But what about those
who decide to attend a service? People from all walks of
life will be completing their due diligence by attending
church once a year. Out of family obligation or misguided
belief that as long as they darken the door of a church
over the holidays, they’re good with God and He’s good
with them. Sometimes people enter seeking, because
without a loving Savior at your side the holidays can be
daunting and empty. Whatever the reason, churches will
make contact with many who may never be seen again or
who only show up every so often to carry on a façade.
Most of the difficult part is done — I mean the person
has already crossed the threshold of the building so
what’s the big deal? Since it’s Christmas, the church looks
pretty and there will be a good sermon paired with some
special Christmas-y things going on. Is it really possible
that we’re wasting this opportunity when the church
looks attractive and full? The whole ministry part of it
should be covered with the advent readings, sermon,
Jesus music and Bible passages.
If it’s all covered, why do those holiday patrons only come
to service once a year? The love of Christ is infectious —
never more so than at this time of year when peace and
goodwill is foremost in people’s minds. So why is it that
when people come through our doors they only want to
stay for an hour once a year?
I don’t know if there is an easy answer for this or if
there is one at all. Everyone is different. There is no one
thing that can act as a big Band-Aid and magically make
everyone who walks through the doors of a church want
to come back and be interested in Jesus. Despite that,
I wonder if we aren’t hurting our chances. Isn’t there
something we could be doing differently?
Are the people walking through the doors of our church
receiving more Christmas than they could at a depart-
ment store? I work for a retail chain and let me tell you
we “do” Christmas very well! The decorations are stellar;
the music is beautiful; the very feel of warmth, family and
love is in the air. The one thing typically missing from the
store experience is Jesus. Church is the one place where
encountering Jesus should be an inescapable reality. We
aren’t talking nativity baby Jesus here, but the living
God, Lord of the universe Jesus who humbled Himself,
containing Himself into a human body and sacrificing
Himself on the cross for you.
Is it impossible to ignore the living Jesus in your church?
Would it be possible for someone to walk in, sit for an
hour, and walk out — missing Jesus despite the presence
that is so obvious to us? Try approaching your church as
an outsider. Do the things that seem so obvious actually
stand out or do they just fade into the background?
Would a newcomer or “rare-comer” even notice Jesus?
Would he be enveloped by Him? Church is just another
department store without Jesus — albeit one having a
holiday party.
Katrina Goodrich
Women’s Society
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