The Sabbath Recorder - December 2015 - page 6

y the time we got to Bethlehem all of the hotel rooms were
full. The only space available was in a stable where horses and
donkeys normally slept. I was fine with sleeping with the other
animals but it was not the best place for people — especially
when they were expecting a new baby.
I was able to squeeze out of the bag just in time to find every-
one running from place to place grabbing things Mary would
need for the baby’s arrival. The manger (a feeding trough for the
animals) was emptied and turned into a baby crib. They planned
to wrap the baby in swaddling clothes, which I imagined would
feel like a big hug. I found myself wishing I were home getting a
big hug from my mom. Normally I pretended not to like hugs,
but being so far from home, a hug was exactly what I needed.
My thoughts of home were interrupted when the baby took his
first breath and let out a good healthy cry. It was then that I
saw Joseph smile as he turned to his wife and said, “It’s a boy.”
Mary returned his smile and said, “A boy. Just as the angel
I had never seen an angel but my mom had told me a lot about
them. I suspect the angel told Mary and Joseph what they
should name the baby. Without pausing for even a moment
they both said his name would be Jesus.
The humans set out to make Mary comfortable, preparing a
place for her to relax. While they weren’t looking, I was able to
sneak up the side of the manger to take a look. There, wrapped
comfortably in his swaddling clothes was the baby Jesus. At
first glance he looked like any other small person. But some-
thing about him did seem different. I could not pinpoint why
but something about him gave me a feeling of great peace.
I should have been afraid, but near this baby I felt safe. I missed
December 2015 • SR
Zach in the Sack
Continued from previous page..
“What kind of nuts did she coat them with?” I wondered, as I looked
around to make sure no one would see me. But before I could climb up the
side of the bag of cookies, the door swung open and in walked Mr. Joseph!
I ran back to the edge of the table, hoping he would not see me.
I had only one chance if I were to escape unnoticed — I had to
jump. Unfortunately, I forgot about the bag of barley sitting on the
floor. It made for a soft landing — but it was also hard to climb back
to the top of the bag. Before I could climb out, Mr. Joseph tied the
bag shut and loaded it on his donkey. With that, I found myself joining
Joseph and Mary on their trip to Bethlehem.
During the long ride, I noticed that Ms. Mary
seemed very uncomfortable. She had to stop
a number of times for bathroom breaks which
made for really slow travel. Mr. Joseph did his
best to keep her comfortable, talking with her
in order to help her take her mind off of the
bumps in the road and the aches that come
with being a new mom. He reminded her of
her conversation with an angel and how the
angel told her she would have a baby.
Gabriel told Mary this baby would be the Son
of the Highest. The angel’s words reminded me
of stories my parents told me of how all creation
was affected by man’s sin. Because people were
disobedient and sinned against God, they
needed a savior. God promised to give the
world that savior, who would come to set
people free.
1,2,3,4,5 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,...28
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