Sabbath Recorder - January 2016 - page 14

Focus on Church Planting
John J. Pethtel
Director of Church Delopment
January 2016 • SR
Seventh Day Baptist Churches
Challenged to
Become Involved
in Church Planting
The Church Planting Task Force (a new subcommittee
of the Council on Ministry) recommended a vision to
the General Conference to move forward in the work of
church planting as well as a challenge to existing SDB
churches and their participation in the work of church
The delegates at the 2015 General Conference sessions
overwhelmingly approved these items and asked that they
be communicated to our churches and their members.
Vision for SDB Church Planting
The SDB General Conference will mobilize SDB churches
and church members to actively advance God’s Kingdom
by cooperating together to plant new churches. We will
create a movement of member churches and individuals
toward this end by challenging them, equipping them,
supporting them, and setting them free to pursue God’s
leading in this area.
Challenge to All SDB Churches
We challenge every SDB church and fellowship in the US
and Canada to prayerfully seek God’s will in the area of
church planting and to obey God’s calling to take a new
step of involvement by participating in one or more of the
following ways:
• Partnering in prayer with an SDB church plant;
• Supporting an SDB church plant through finances,
lending expertise, or providing manpower;
• Sponsoring an SDB church plant, either on its own
or in cooperation with other churches.
What is the
that your church will take in the
work of church planting? If you would like to partner with
a church or know what these next steps entail, please
contact the Director of Church Development.
— John Pethtel
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