These kids ROCKed!!
Posted On: February 19, 2014
Good news from the Alfred Station, NY, SDB Church:
This past weekend, from Sabbath afternoon until Sunday afternoon, the Senior Youth Fellowship (Grades 7-12) and Jr. Youth Fellowship (Grades 3-6) members at Alfred Station participated in a 24-hour Rock-a-thon “Fighting from a Chair.” These youth rocked in rocking chairs with the purpose of raising $1,000 dollars for the Wounded Warrior Project.
As of Tuesday, February 18, the Youth have raised through donations $764.00. They will continue to receive donations through February 28. If you would like to help, please send your donation to the Alfred Station Seventh Day Baptist Church, PO Box 7777, Alfred Station, NY 14803.
[Pictured is Ellie Chroniger, counting down the last seconds of the 24 hours. She was the only one to rock the (whole) night away… ]