Leader Needed for SDB Group in Phoenix
Posted On: July 2, 2015

Pastor Bob Peet and the Kingdom of God church have been mobilizing people for over a year to begin a SDB church in the Phoenix, AZ area.
Phoenix is the most populous state capital city in America, as well as the sixth most populous city in the USA.
Someone is needed now on the ground to help build, lead and focus the congregation. The Phoenix SDB group has been meeting monthly. Pastor Bob has been providing leadership but we know that God is calling somebody to commit to serving in this Arizona mission field.
Do you know such a person? Are you a pastor, church planter, or lay leader who would be willing to provide leadership for this fledgling group?
Would you be interested in financially supporting Pastor Bob Peet’s travel to minister to these SDB saints in the Phoenix?
If you feel God’s pull in this direction please prayerfully contact: Pastor Bob Peet (kingdomofgod@frontier.net) or John Pethtel (jpethtel@archive.seventhdaybaptist.org).