Spring 2016 Helping Hand Available on Kindle!
Posted On: February 23, 2016

The Spring Sabbath School Quarter is about to begin and the newest edition of the Helping Hand in Bible Study is live on Amazon for your Kindle or other device at a cost of only $2.99. Find it here:
Often we think of faith as being something we work for or that we should be able to have more of if only we would try harder. However, as this series of lessons points out, faith is truly a gift from God. Why is it so important to us? Because, as the author of Hebrews pointed out, “without faith, it is im-
possible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6, NIV).
This quarter has three units that use the gospels of Mark and Luke to reveal the theme of faith in three units – “Tests of Faith,” “Restorative Faith,” and “Fullness of Faith.”
Our prayer is that through the study of these Scriptures, your faith will also be built up and multiplied as a wonderful gift of God’s grace.