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SCSC 2019 Projects & Teams Announced!

On behalf of the SCSC Committee, I am happy to share this year’s SCSC program participants!  The SCSC Committee prayerfully considers which students to pair together, and which project will foster growth for both the local church and its members, and our student leaders.  Many thanks to our SCSC Committee members, and to all who are willing to use their summer advancing God’s Kingdom through SCSC!
Battle Creek. MI
PD: Samantha Fick
Wayne Bloom, Everett, PA
Natasha Stewart, Kingston, Jamaica
Bay Area, CA
PDs: Becky Crouch/Norma Johnson
Melissa Brown, Texarkana, AR
Jordan Lynch, Whitby, Ontario, Canada
PD: Susie Fox
Collin Green. Omaha, NE
Vanessa Ormsby, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
West Palm Beach, FL
PD: Carol Jones
Denovia McKenzie, Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Rajae Taylor, St. Catharine, Jamaica

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