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Appel Taking Spiritual Retreat, May 20-22, 2015

As part of his regular pattern during his eleven years of service, our executive director, Rob Appel, has made it priority at least once each year to take a spiritual retreat.  During these times, and following the example of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:35), Rob focuses his attention on the Lord as he prayerfully considers his work among Seventh Day Baptists.  Rob will be going on just such a retreat for parts of the next couple of days, as he seeks the next steps for his work and the work of our General Conference.

Appel, Rob 7-07a

Accordingly, we encourage all Seventh Day Baptists to pray for Rob and our Conference during this time as he seeks the Lord’s will for us as a people, and for his next steps as our leading executive.  Pray for clear guidance as well as refreshing in the Holy Spirit.  

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