Appel Taking Spiritual Retreat, May 20-22, 2015
Posted On: May 20, 2015
As part of his regular pattern during his eleven years of service, our executive director, Rob Appel, has made it priority at least once each year to take a spiritual retreat. During these times, and following the example of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:35), Rob focuses his attention on the Lord as he prayerfully considers his work among Seventh Day Baptists. Rob will be going on just such a retreat for parts of the next couple of days, as he seeks the next steps for his work and the work of our General Conference.

Accordingly, we encourage all Seventh Day Baptists to pray for Rob and our Conference during this time as he seeks the Lord’s will for us as a people, and for his next steps as our leading executive. Pray for clear guidance as well as refreshing in the Holy Spirit.