Fox Ordained In Colorado Springs
Posted On: February 10, 2015
SpringsLife Church (Colorado Springs, CO) celebrated the ordination of Pastor David Fox to the gospel ministry on February 7, 2015 at 3:30pm.
Pastor David’s ordination council was held during Mid-Continent Association meetings on October 11, 2014 with representatives from seven different SDB churches and the Council on Ministry in attendance. Pastor David presented his Christian testimony along with papers representing his reflections on the SDB Statement of Belief and his ministry experience. After this presentation, the floor was opened up for questions from the council. Pastor David answered questions for around 70 minutes to the satisfaction of the council. The council then voted to recommend to SpringsLife Church that Pastor David be ordained to the gospel ministry. The council also voted that Pastor David’s beliefs were in accord with the SDB Statement of Belief. On November 15, 2014, SpringsLife Church voted to move forward with the ordination service.

The ordination service was led by Rev. John Pethtel (SpringsLife Church). Included in the service were Pastor Darwin Steele (Boulder SDB Church) reading the Call to Gathered Worship, Timothy Rood (Moderator of SpringsLife Church) giving an affirmation of the candidate, Rev. Luis Lovelace (Metro Atlanta SDB Church) preaching the ordination sermon, titled Christ in Me based on Isaiah 53:1-5and Philippians 2:5-8, Rev. Rod Henry (Next Step Christian Church) presenting a charge to the candidate, Rev. Dusty Mackintosh (Next Step Christian Church) presenting a charge to the church, and Rev. Steve Osborn (Boulder SDB Church) leading the consecrating prayer over Pastor David and his wife, Rachel. The newly ordained Rev. Fox gave the benediction.
An Ice Cream Social was held after the ordination service with friends, family, and church members in attendance.
Pastor David and his wife, Rachel, have been living in Colorado Springs since December 2013. He is currently serving as Pastor of Community and Discipleship under the Ministry Staff Development program administered by the Council on Ministry and the Memorial Board. He has been responsible for the creation and implementation of a children’s ministry, SpringsLife Kids, that serves youth from the church and community. Pastor David is a graduate of Ashland University and Reformed Theological Seminary and has served SDB churches in Ohio, Washington, Georgia, New Jersey, and Colorado.