SCSC teams announced for 2014
2014 is the 50th year of the Summer Christian Service Corps. Sponsored by the SDB Women’s Board, SCSC has trained and sent out hundreds of college-age students to our local churches and camps since 1964. And this year, SCSC is going “international” by sending a team to Jamaica.
Here are the project locations and team members for SCSC and Stained Glass 2014:
Colorado Springs, CO
Project Director Linda Harris
Joshua Lyons* Toronto, ON
Willy Villalpando+ Colton, CA
Colton, CA
PD Matthew Lawson
Caleb Gammons+ Texarkana, AR
Terrance Lewis* Toronto, ON
Seth Osborn* Boulder, CO
Seattle, WA
PD Dave Alldredge
Rebekah Hargett+ Atlanta, GA
Jonathan Lyons* Toronto, ON
Shiloh, NJ
PDs Lauren DuBois, Jennifer Chroniger
Tacy Camenga+ Milton, WI
Josiah Lynch* Toronto, ON
Stained Glass
Nathan Crowder+ Boulder, CO
Jennifer Brown^ Ashaway, RI
Khalen Green* Dodge Center, MN
Logan LaGesse^ New Auburn, WI
Gabriela Alonzo+ Falls Church, VA
Tim Lawton+ Ashaway, RI
Karissa St. Clair^ Milton, WI
SCSC Jamaica
Lindsay Crouch+ Bay Area, CA
Lauren Telford+ Texarkana, AR
Cheyane Blevins+ Milton, WI
Elizabeth Camenga+ Milton, WI
* – Rookie
+ – Veteran
^ – Rookie SG Member, but Veteran SCSC
PD- Project Director
Location- Team member’s home church
Please be in prayer for all of the students, staff and churches involved in these summer projects.