he Christian walk is a walk of great sacrifice and
ultimately eternal reward — but nobody said it was
going to be easy. Along the way we will be faced with
challenges and obstacles to overcome. It is essential to
have the support and guidance of other Christians who
can provide Godly counsel. Having this support system
of believers is an important part of every Christian’s
walk and growth, but is a particularly valuable asset to
youth and young Christians. In today’s world there is a
new and ever growing set of obstacles and challenges
faced by young Christians that requires God’s wisdom
and more peer support than ever before.
In my personal experience, I have learned that surround-
ing yourself with other Christians can help you filter out
the distractions of life and focus on God in all that you
do. This concept may seem simple, and it is. But all too
often we, as young followers of Christ, take our focus
away from the One who carries us through all of our
triumphs and failures. Carrying this toxic attitude in our
walk as Christians will only serve to hold us back from
what God has planned for us by replacing His will with
a false sense of self-accomplishment. Taking our eyes
off of the Lord usually leads them to places they should
not go. On the contrary, Philippians 4:8 says
brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, what-
ever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, what-
ever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there
is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
With a group of people around you who have also put
their faith in Christ it becomes easier to think about the
things mentioned in Philippians 4:8.
Another reason why support from Christian peers is
essential to our own personal walk and growth is because
we have been given a task to complete. As Christians we
are the body of Christ, as stated in 1 Corinthians 12:27.
As members of Christ’s body, we all have different func-
tions and are accountable one to another to carry out
our purpose. Having other Christian friends who also
understand the significance of many members acting to-
gether as one will not only help you grow as a Christian
but will also afford you the opportunity to test yourself
and help others do the same. At the end of the day, the
work that Jesus has left with us is to bring the good news
of His truth to others and be a light in the dark of this
fallen world.
As Christians we are often faced with distractions,
obstacles, and trials that are designed to take our focus
away from God and the task that He has given to us.
Philippians 4:13 states that we can do all things through
Christ who gives us strength, and there is strength in
numbers. As a Christian, when it comes to having the
support of your brothers and sisters in Christ, the verse
that always reminds me of this responsibility is Proverbs
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens
God calls us when we are young because
we are strong. This verse reminds me that I need to be
strong for my brothers and sisters in Christ and when
I fall they must be strong for me. Divided we fall but
together in Christ we will stand.
SR • July/August 2015
Josiah Lynch
Toronto SDB Church
Young Adult