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The 3rd annual
Gospel Feet 5K
Join us on July 31 at 7:00 a.m. on a
course that runs through the beautiful
Lancaster Bible College campus.
The race theme is “ties” — come to the
race wearing your best half-windsor, bow tie,
and/or scarf to support professional training.
Looking to run a race for a good cause? The 3rd annual Gospel Feet 5K will sup-
port the Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society (
) and its
goal to train pastors and leaders in Zambia. Fundraising of only $150 will support
training for one Zambian Pastor for one term. The overall fundraising goal for the
project is $20,000 — imagine the impact this will have in Africa!
Prizes will be handed out for the best fund raisers, race times, and much more!
Register for the General Conference 5K walk/run, register for the 1K event, or just make a
donation to help provide desperately needed disciple-making training for Zambia SDB leaders.
Register or Donate online:
(Seventh Day Baptist Gospel Feet 5K & 1K 7:00am)