Say “Thank you”...
When we were very, very young,
there was always a voice intruding on our gift-receiving moment
teaching us to say “Thank you.”
When we were growing through the years,
there was still that voice intruding on the moments
reminding us to say “Thank you.”
Finally! We are on our own.
So how come that “voice” is still hovering in our memory:
Say “Thank you.”
How often do we say “Thank you”
and really mean it
and do it promptly
and not forget?
Thank you
for making me your Editor!
“We are so blessed by the gifts from Your hand,
I just can’t understand why You’ve loved us so much.
We are so blessed, we just can’t find a way
Or the words that can say,
Thank You Lord, for Your touch.
When we’re empty You fill us ‘til we overflow,
When we’re hungry You feed us and cause us to know
We are so blessed,
Take what we have to bring;
Take it all, everything,
Lord, we love You so much.”
— Text from “So Blessed” by William J. Gaither, Gloria Gaither, Greg Nelson
thoughts from the Editor...