SR November 2015
On August 29, following a special business
meeting to discuss the recommendation of their
Pastoral Search Committee, The Connecting
Church (Milton, WI) voted to call Rev. Nathan
Crandall as their new Senior Pastor.
Pastor Nate had been serving as Interim Senior
Pastor since June and had been serving as an
Associate Pastor at The Connecting Church for
Also on August 29, Chad Ochs was named as
Director of Youth Ministry.
On Sabbath October 10, the Seventh Day Baptist Church of
Shiloh installed their new Assistant Pastor, Philip Lawton.
While Shiloh has hosted many future pastors over the years,
Phil is the first to serve in this capacity in several decades.
The journey to this time and place was reflected in Phil’s
testimony during the morning worship service.
Phil shared how faithful God has been, especially through
the past few years. Even when doors seemingly appeared
to close, God was working all things together for good.
God used a willingness to serve at Jersey Oaks Camp and
General Conference this summer as a gentle reminder of
Phil’s calling into full-time ministry. At the end of the summer,
it became clear to both the church and Phil that God wanted
him to continue serving in Shiloh.
Church moderator, Frank A. Mazza, called for a vote to accept
Phil’s membership into the Shiloh Church which was unani-
mously approved. Deacon Bill Probasco presented Phil
with a License to Preach on behalf of the congregation.
This license acknowledges and supports Phil’s position as
one who is set apart to preach God’s word. Following the
worship service, everyone enjoyed a time of fellowship and
refreshments. We praise God for all He has done, and lift
thanks for all He will continue to do through his people!
The Connecting Church
Calls Senior Pastor and
Director of Youth Ministry
Assistant Pastor
Installed at Shiloh
New Senior Pastor — Rev. Nathan Crandall
Director of Youth Ministry — Chad Ochs
Phil welcomed by
Moderator Frank Mazza
Deacon Bill Probasco
presents License to Preach