The Sabbath Recorder - October 2015 - page 10

October 2015 SR
We are to reflect God’s image, but not just during
times of peace and comfort. It must also happen during
times of difficulty, during times of persecution and
during times of intense struggle. In fact, we are not
able to fully reflect God’s image until we have learned
how to respond to our struggles in a spiritually mature
manner. This is why the Lord allows us to go through
trials. His purpose is to develop in us the character of
Christ. As it says in James,
“Consider it pure joy when
you face all kinds of trials because you know the testing
of your faith produces perseverance and perseverance
When my sister and soon to be brother-in-law were
dating they developed what they called “rules for fair
fighting.” It was an acknowledgment that there would
be conflict in their relationship and that they needed
to resolve that conflict in a consistent, fair and God-
honoring way. Likewise we must acknowledge that
conflict is a part of this life and that the Lord has the
tools we need to respond to conflict in a righteous or
God-honoring way. You could think of them as “rules
for fighting God’s way.”
We live in a spiritual battlefield, but I think that the
term “spiritual warfare” or “spiritual battle” can be
a little misleading. That is because every conflict or
struggle is spiritual in nature. Every playground fight
or boardroom brawl is a spiritual battle. It is a spiritual
battle because we must learn to respond to every con-
flict in a spiritual way or by the Spirit of God. If we
take these commands to heart and put them into
The Conflict
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in
the strength of His power.
Put on
God’s complete set of armor, so that
you will be able to stand your ground
against the schemes of the devil.
For our struggle is not against other
people, but against the rulers, against
the authorities, against the world-
rulers of this spiritual darkness, and
against malicious evil spirits in the
heavenly places.
Therefore, take up
God’s complete set of armor, so that
you will be able to resist in the evil
day, and having done everything, to
stand firm.
(Ephesians 6:10-13, Nate Crandall Adjusted Version)
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