October 2015 SR
Have you ever wanted a friend to spend the night at
your house? Nothing fancy, just a regular old sleep over.
To a kid — or even a youth, really (I’m sixteen and my
view hasn’t changed a whole lot), to us — the logistics
seem simple. Your friend packs a change of clothes and
a toothbrush, and goes back home in the morning. No
But there’s an obstacle in your way: the parents (cue
intense piano score). Normally asking them wouldn’t be
a problem, but you know they’ve had a rough day, and
then there was that spat this morning over the state of
your room (Hey, the room is clean. They didn’t say any-
thing about the closet.) and, all things considered,
you’re rather nervous about asking them. Scared, even.
So what do you do?
I’ve found there’s a common (and simple) strategy often
deployed by young folk in this tough situation: bring
your friend. Now, you’d never be able to convince him to
ask for you, but there’s some psychological benefit to
just having him with you. Having him stand in the room
as you ask seems to soften the atmosphere, and makes
you more at ease. (I bet some European scientist has
done research and figured out the “sciencey” bits as
to why this works. Someone Google that and get back
to me).
But anyway, I’ve found that this is one of those cool
examples that God gave us to help us understand our
relationship with Him better. You see, sometimes God
asks us to do a lot of stuff for Him. Not that I’m complain-
ing (to be honest, there’s no way we could do enough for
Him), but sometimes the things He asks of us are hard.
Sometimes they’re scary. Often they’re uncomfortable.
More than once I’ve gotten that same queasy ask-my-
parents feeling about doing something He’s asked of
me. I get nervous, and indecisive, and sometimes out-
right scared. But here’s the neat thing: if following His
will is the metaphoric asking-your-parents, then God
Himself is the metaphoric friend-asking-with-you.
It doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re with, if
you’re a child of God, His presence is always with you.
He’ll support, encourage, and empower you through any
and all tasks He’s set before you. So don’t be scared to
follow God — He’s the best support you can get.
“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the
(Matthew 28:20).
Produced by the Youth Committee
of the Christian Education Council
for and by members of SDB Youth Fellowship
The Best Support
by Caleb Crouch
Edgewater SDB Church, FL