The Sabbath Recorder - October 2015 - page 23

SR October 2015
Pastor Bob Peet and the Kingdom of God Church
have been mobilizing people for over a year to begin
an SDB church in the Phoenix, AZ area.
Phoenix is the most populous state capital city in
America, as well as the sixth most populous city in
the USA.
Someone is needed now on the ground to help build,
lead, and focus the congregation.
The Phoenix SDB
group has been meeting monthly. Pastor Bob has
been providing leadership but we know that God is
calling somebody to commit to serving in this Arizona
mission field.
Do you know such a person? Are you a pastor, church
planter, or lay leader who would be willing to provide
leadership for this fledgling group?
Would you be interested in financially supporting
Pastor Bob Peet's travel to minister to these SDB
saints in Phoenix?
If you feel God’s pull in this direction please prayerfully
Pastor Bob Peet
) or
John Pethtel
Leadership Needed for SDB Startup in Phoenix
SpringsLife Church in Colorado Springs Seeks Lead Pastor
SpringsLife Church in Colorado Springs, CO is
seeking a new Lead Pastor to join its pastoral team.
This pastor must meet the biblical qualifications
(1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-3; Acts
20:28-31) for a pastor, be called by God to serve in a
pastoral capacity, and be gifted to exercise the office
of pastor. The primary ministry of the Lead Pastor
will be preaching, prayer, visitation, and pastoral
counseling. The Lead Pastor will also help provide
spiritual leadership along with the pastoral team.
The worship at SpringsLife Church includes blended
worship music (praise songs and hymns), Scripture
reading, congregational prayer, and expository
preaching from the Bible. SpringsLife Church, as a
family of faith, does participate in community out-
reach opportunities and has begun an outstanding
children’s program.
Previous pastoral experience is preferred but not
required. Formal theological education is helpful but
not required. Love for Jesus, His bride (the church),
our community, and children is required. Agreement
with the SDB Statement of Belief is necessary.
Colorado Springs (located approximately 70 miles
south of Denver) consistently ranks as one of the
best places to live in the United States. With a
population of 420,000 (including 5 military stations,
two universities, and the U.S. Olympic Headquarters),
Colorado Springs is large enough to have everything
one might want to do with a much smaller town feel.
Please prayerfully consider if God might be calling
you to live and minister in Colorado Springs!
Cover letters and resumes or inquiries
may be addressed to
John Pethtel at
or 304-629-9823.
Please include audio or video links to
previous sermons.
The deadline for submitting interest in this position
is October 15, 2015.
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