September 2015 SR
On Monday morning of Conference, Bill’s wife,
Valerie Probasco (Shiloh SDB church) gave the first 8-minute
message of the week. Here is what she shared:
It’s easy to look around and see how steadfast other people
are. When given that one word, STEADFAST, and asked what
it makes you picture, I picture people. I was raised by hard-
working Christian people. My parents
were and are steadfast in their work, in
their faith, and in their commitment to
helping their family. I look at the people of
the Shiloh SDB Church and see STEADFAST
saints everywhere. I started to write them
down but there are so many it would take
more than 8 minutes just to tell you their
names. I am so blessed when I think of the
tremendous, faithful servant leadership of
my church. In travelling with Bill this year
it was so clear to see that Seventh Day
Baptists are a STEADFAST people. Faithful
to the Sabbath, faithful to the Word, faithful
to the Lord.
Bill is steadfast. Everything about him is steadfast. On his
travels this year he’s only shared a few examples about
what he feels he is steadfast in. Let me give you a few more
from the perspective of someone who has lived with him for
18 years. He is steadfast in keeping certain routines. Every
day starts with way too many push-ups and every night ends
with reading the
Upper Room
…no matter how late it is. He
is steadfast with his work ethic from the office to the house
to the church. He strives to give every ounce of his ability
and time to everyone. He is steadfast in his relationships.
No matter what his friends or church family need, Bill is a
steady, non-judgmental, unconditional friend. He is a stead-
fast parent who always brings humor to the family and enjoys
being with his kids. He is certainly a steadfast husband, even
when life throws interesting curves at us. I think back to
right after our second child was born. Being 34 at the time,
my hormones took some extra time straightening out. During
that post-partum time, being at home with two small children
was a blessing, but a bit of a challenge. Invariably, Bill was
there, trying to help...but in spite of his very best efforts I
clearly remember thinking, for a good week out of every
month, that I had married a complete idiot! When I finally
realized I was the issue here, I tried some supplements for
some help. I read that evening primrose oil was good for
what ailed my husband, I mean me. So, since I was home
with the kids, I asked Bill to pick some up from the vitamin
store. THIS is what my dear, steadfast husband came home
with…(picture 2 jumbo-sized bottles of 2,000 gel-tabs)!
It’s much easier to look around and see the steadfast qualities
of others. But when the time came to turn the magnifying
glass on myself and consider how the quality of being
STEADFAST applies to me, the task became suddenly and
exceedingly more difficult. Oh man, do I have to do this 8-
minute message? That’s a lot of words. I can say what needs
to be said in about 90 seconds. How can I get out of this?
The battle of the flesh began.
Immediately following that, came the battle of the mind.
STEADFAST??? You? What are YOU steadfast about? Let’s
see…keeping the house much less photo-ready than
Homes and Gardens
and being perpetually
5 minutes late to everything. THAT’s what
you’re steadfast in. Then came the realiza-
tion of the spiritual battle. At the mere
mention of being STEADFAST, the devil
attempts to use condemnation and self-
doubt to shake you away from that very
concept of standing firm.
Romans 8:1 says “
there is now NO con-
demnation to those who are in Christ Jesus
who do not walk according to the flesh but
according to the Spirit
So, now that the battles of the flesh and
the mind and the spirit have worked me
over, I want to share with you what I hold firmly as the
truth. My GOD is Steadfast. He is steadfast when I am not.
His strength is made perfect in my weakness (II Corinthians
12:9). I start every day and end every night knowing His
steadfast power rules my life. What am I steadfast about?
The only thing steadfast about me isn’t me at all. As we say
in Jersey, “It ain’t about chu (‘you’).” It’s about the infinite
power of GOD.
There are countless ways over the years that He has proven
Himself to be steadfast to me. When I was home with our
kids full-time and we were on one income, God provided.
Time and time again signs of provision and faithfulness
would come right to our door. God used His people to show
His love for us with gifts of food, clothing, diapers, furniture,
and vehicles. The list is overwhelming. But the timing was
even more amazing. At the very moment we were at our
“last,” He sent his best. God is so good. He owns the cattle
on a thousand hills and he cares deeply for us.
But way beyond the physical provision, is the assurance that
I am a child of the most high GOD and He walks with me
daily. When I have emptied myself in service to my job and
my kids and my church, I have a GOD whose strength is
steadfast. He says, “My grace is sufficient for you.” He says,
“Cast your burdens on me because my yoke is light”…and
He carries me. Because I know whom I have believed, I am
persuaded that HE is able.
I pray that this week you will receive a renewal in the stead-
fast spirit of our God. Thanks to the blood of Jesus He is in
deep…and throughout….and all around you.
Stand firm in that truth.
8-Minute Message