URGENT: 2018 Directory of SDB Churches Information
Posted On: January 1, 2018
This letter and form should be ar
riving at your church’s mailing address in the next few weeks. You can always access it at this blog post or at archive.seventhdaybaptist.org/directory. – John
January 3, 2018
Dear Seventh Day Baptist Church:
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Every year we contact our member churches and churches identifying as Seventh Day Baptist to collect information for a directory.
The information that is compiled in this directory is used for three primary purposes:
- This directory is used to help assist in the communication between the SDB General Conference and its churches and the churches with each other.
- This directory is also used as a legal document to verify which churches in the USA & Canada may be identified as Seventh Day Baptist.
- This directory is also used to determine each member church’s allotment of delegates to our annual General Conference sessions.
Please fill out the attached 2018 Directory of Churches Information Form legibly and in its entirety by March 1, 2018. It can be found online at www.archive.seventhdaybaptist.org/directory.
It may be returned by email to directory@seventhdaybapstist.org or mail to the SDB Center (Directory, PO Box 1678, Janesville, WI 53547).
Failure to return the form completely by the deadline may result in a reduction of delegates to our annual General Conference sessions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at jpethtel@archive.seventhdaybaptist.org or (608) 752-5055 ext. 1009.
Thank you for your partnership with the SDB General Conference!
In Service to His Kingdom,
Rev. John J. Pethtel
Director of Church Development