Who are Seventh Day Baptists?
If you’ve never read
The Sabbath Recorder
before, you might
be wondering who Seventh Day Baptists are.
Like other Baptists, we believe in:
The Seventh Day
God commanded that the seventh day (Saturday) be kept holy.
Jesus agreed by keeping it as a day of worship. We observe the
seventh day of the week (Saturday) as God’s Holy Day as an act
of loving obedience — not as a means of salvation. Salvation is
the free gift of God through Jesus our Lord. It is the joy of the
Sabbath that makes SDBs a people with a difference.
For more information, write: The Seventh Day Baptist Center,
3120 Kennedy Road, PO Box 1678, Janesville, WI 53547-1678.
Phone: (608) 752-5055; FAX: (608) 752-7711
SDB Website:
Director of Communications
Jeremiah Owen
cell: (818)-468-9077
Where to Find Seventh Day Baptists Online:
• salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
• the Bible as the inspired word of God. The Bible is our
authority for our faith and daily conduct.
• baptism of believers, by immersion, witnessing to our
acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord.
• freedom of thought under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
• the congregational form of church government. Every
church member has the right to participate in the
decision-making process of the church.
November 2015 SR
A Seventh Day Baptist Publication
November 2015
Volume 237, No. 11
Whole No. 7,021
Patricia Cruzan
Contributing Editors:
Rob Appel, Clinton R. Brown, Kenneth Chroniger,
Katrina Goodrich, Caleb Crouch, Nathan Crowder,
Barb Green, Nicholas J. Kersten, Gabi Osborn,
John J. Pethtel, William Villalpando
he Sabbath Recorder
(ISSN 0036-214X) (USPS 474460)
is published monthly (combined July and August) by
the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference’s Tract and
Communication Council, 3120 Kennedy Road, PO Box
1678, Janesville, WI 53547-1678. This publication is
distributed at no cost to members and friends of Seventh
Day Baptist churches and is made possible by donations
from its readers. Periodicals postage paid at Janesville, WI,
and additional offices.
Send address changes to
The Sabbath Recorder
, 3120
Kennedy Road, PO Box 1678, Janesville, WI 53547-1678
This is the 171st year of publication for
The Sabbath
. First issue published June 13, 1844.
Member of the Associated Church Press.
The Sabbath Recorder
does not necessarily
endorse signed articles.
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Only manuscripts that include a stamped, addressed
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Unsolicited manuscripts are welcomed; however,
they will be considered on a space available basis.
No remuneration is given for any article that appears
in this publication.
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