November 2015 SR
The second annual youth camp of the Agape Ministry Iglesia
Bautista del Septimo Dia in Puerto Rico (Seventh Day Baptist
Church in Hoyamala, San Sebastian, Puerto Rico) was held July
13-18, 2015. There were lots of great moments, but the high-
light came on Thursday evening, July 16, when we saw the Holy
Spirit move and take back His territory and His people.
All week until then, there had been spiritual struggle. The
camp cook brought her sons and their behavior deteriorated as
the week went on, bringing a spirit of confusion and frustration
into the camp. Adding to this situation, some of the adults
helping with the camp were unable to stick to the schedule or
to provide needed support. The arts and crafts director (from a
neighboring church) harshly criticized one camper’s efforts to
the point of creating hurting feelings and disappointment.
Some campers were listless and rebellious — almost defiant.
One camper in particular (Wills) was disaffected and began
repeating “I want to go home” as early as Tuesday. His behavior
began to affect the other campers as the week went on.
Tuesday night, July 14, was a great spirit-filled evening service
where youth ministered to youth and were in turn ministered
to by adults. The speaker laid hands and prayed, ministered,
and prophesied over the youth. But by Wednesday afternoon,
the disorganization and rebellion were creeping back into the
camp. Wills again stated his desire to go home and was starting
to try to recruit other youth to leave the camp. The situation
continued as a sort of tug-of-war between organization and
chaos until Thursday evening.
One of the youth, Ricardo, had stated before camp that he
wanted to get baptized and that celebration was scheduled for
Sabbath morning service. But, with the inability of the Berlin,
NY, team to be present, and with the struggle going on, a last-
minute change was made and the decision taken to baptize
Ricardo Friday morning.
When the Thursday evening meal was bordering on chaos,
Pastora Judith felt in her spirit that Satan was getting hold of
the campgrounds and of some of the campers. As she quietly
prayed for wisdom, she was able to discern a whirlwind of
destruction and mockery. Immediately she got hold of Ricardo
and told him that his baptism was going to be in minutes. She
asked brother Craig Mosher (he was going to help with the
baptism the next day) to get into the pool immediately. With-
out any hesitation he did and she followed. Immediately Ricardo
followed. She announced that in order to kick Satan in the
teeth, we were going to baptize Ricardo that night — that
moment. The mood changed. Peace came over the dining area,
over the campers, over the leaders, over the missionaries help-
ing out. The Pastora had gotten their attention and so had God.
As Ricardo’s baptism was completed, Pastora asked if there was
anyone else that felt led to get baptized. There was calm; there
was a never-felt peace near the pool. Pastora explained it as if
the Lord Himself got in the water with her. Immediately a
young lady came forward crying, “Dei.” She said she wanted to
get baptized, then Erick came forward stating that he too
wanted to get baptized and then Justin, the 10 year old boy
and first attendee of the church three years ago. Then came
the moment the Pastora was waiting anxiously for, Wills (the
young man being used by Satan to help him bring chaos into
the camp) came over and told the Pastora, “I caused all these
problems all week long just to end up under the water; I too
want to be baptized.”
As Wills went under, we could all sense a “second wave of
the Holy Spirit,” a lifting of a heaviness, and a sense of peace
and complete order being restored. In all, five young men and
women were baptized: Ricardo, Justin, Dei, Wills, and Erick.
Needless to say, the atmosphere from that moment on was
one of cooperation and enlightened peace. The dramatic
change in the mood was not lost on the youth. We want to
focus on Wills' response to the events of the week: “All this,
just to end up being baptized.” It is called “God's everlasting
As the 2015 Youth Camp came to an end, the church mem-
bership had grown by three new members. Two of the newly
baptized are still taking discipleship classes and hopefully they
too will join the church — among them is Wills.
To God, indeed, belongs the victory, the glory, and honor.
Praise His name.
— Pastor Joel A. Houts
Youth Pastor, Iglesia Bautista del Septimo Dia PR
Spiritual Warfare in Iglesia Bau sta del Sep mo Dia Puerto Rico