SR November 2015
The idea of participating in SCSC was briefly brought up by a
friend and that was all it took for the seed to be planted. All
throughout 2014 the seed grew and I couldn't deny the calling
God placed on my life. I listened to the call and submitted my
From the very beginning the whole adventure of SCSC has
been a growing experience for me. Stepping out of my comfort
zone was hard for me from the start. As the weeks continued
I was thrown into new roles and environments I had never
experienced before.
This year our theme at training was “Identity.” We learned that
our identity is formed in Christ and not in our own self-percep-
tion. This was an important theme for us to study and take the
time to discuss because it is something that we all can struggle
with at times. Not knowing who we are in Christ is the easiest
way for us to lose our way.
God has been teaching me about my identity through training
for leadership and learning what that really means. Expanding
on my experience of learning with leadership, I learned that
God may call me to do something out of my comfort zone and I
will have to rely on Him even more. Learning to let go of pride,
becoming a servant leader, and letting God take control in
whatever I’m doing is a lifelong pursuit.
I had to get it through my head that my will power was not
going to cut out the sin in my life and that I had to accept God
as my identity, claiming His things as my own in order to leave
the others behind. The spiritual counsel I received at SCSC
training and on tour will be used to keep God the main focus
and not be led by the worries of THIS world, but the concerns
of my heavenly Father.
SCSC equipped me to work and be used in ways I never felt I
could before. Once I get home there are more opportunities for
God to use me in forwarding his kingdom.
God showed me that He can and WILL use me. I have always
thought there are plenty of other people capable of doing my
job. God showed me this summer that He wants to specifically
use ME. It totally blew my mind. I plan on returning home and
being open to opportunities that are placed in my path. God
showed me that I am capable and that I am stronger than I
know. Even though I had a lot of fear about this summer, God
blessed me for jumping into the unknown. Hopefully, I won’t
stop jumping.
I saw God moving, working with each word we spoke, using
each lesson, each song, and each leader. God showed me that
no matter what the situation or who the person is, so long as
His glory, honor, and will are placed before anything else, He
will make things work.
God worked in crazy ways this summer, and I think that our team
made an impressive impact in the church and community. I’m
thankful for the opportunity that God gave me, and for the love
and guidance that He provided through it.
At the end of project, my partner and I were told that we had
relieved much stress and had been an enormous blessing to
the community we served.
God has really stretched me this summer and I can’t wait to
see where I will go from here.
There is so much I have to learn. I am ready for wisdom to
grow and to continuously pray for my family to come to God
and to be a leader for them. Amen.
For SCSC application information go to
(applications due by January 8, 2016).
Make sure to check out the new foci!
Katrina Goodrich
Women’s Society
Team VESSEL 2015
Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable,
he will be a vessel for honorable use,
set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house,
ready for every good work.
—2 Timothy 2:21 ESV
These are excerpts from the exit testimonies of Team VESSEL