The Sabbath Recorder - November 2015 - page 9

Divine Interventions
Recently, my good friend, Ann, and I started to include
Ned in some of our activities. We knew from what neighbors
told us that Ned had lost his beloved wife just a year ago and
was still in the grieving process. So to help alleviate all the
meals eaten alone, we started to invite Ned to join us in some of
the evening meals we shared now and then. Both Ann and Ned
were avid movie watchers, so about once per week we arranged
“dinner and a movie night.”
After a few of these get-together meals, I began to be
offended and somewhat upset by something Ned said at least
once per evening. I thought he was insensitive, self–centered,
and thoughtless now and then. After one such evening, I found
myself texting Ann that I didn’t think I would be participating
in events that included Ned any more. I wanted to keep him
“at arm’s length” and avoid conversations with him as much
as possible.
Ann encouraged me to talk to Ned about the remarks I
found upsetting instead of avoiding him. So, realizing that
my Christian witness was on the line with these two friends, I
responded to her wise and gentle push by saying I would pray
that God would provide both the opportunity and the words to
talk to Ned. This “talk” had to happen within a few short days,
as Ann was already planning our next dinner and a movie
night for that weekend. The next morning I saw Ned outside,
walking around his house and I considered going over to talk
to him. However, a clear thought came into my mind, “No, I will
bring him to you.” I recognized that as a direction from God and
did not go over.
A day later, I was driving home, not paying any attention to
the time. I was hungry for some supper. It had been a long day.
I was not up to the effort of cooking my own meal in the kitchen
at home. On impulse, I pulled into a pizza place on my route, and
ordered a Hawaiian style pizza to go. After paying for it, I sat out-
side, occupying myself until the pizza was done and my order was
up. At least twenty minutes went by, and most likely more, when I
finally realized that folks who had entered the pizza place after
me were now walking out with their food to go. So I stepped in-
side to find that my pizza was up and ready.
Continuing to drive home with the pizza, I saw Ned coming
down our street in his vehicle. Our cars met just outside my
driveway and I rolled down my window to wave. Ned rolled his
window down for a brief conversation. He was headed out to get
some supper, so I invited him to share my pizza. God continued
to answer my prayer providing the words as we had our dinner
conversation and cleared up some misunderstandings.
I can’t help but think about God’s undeniably perfect timing
again: if I had just gone straight home, or sat waiting at the
pizza restaurant for a different amount of time; if Ned had
chosen to head out for supper just a few minutes earlier or
later; God is good all the time! He answers our prayers when
we ask according to His Will. Oh, and by the way, I found out
that evening that Hawaiian style pizza is Ned’s favorite.
— Cheri Appel
Palm Desert, CA
Examples of Divine Intervention which I have
1. Several years ago I was driving to church on
four-lane Route 1 when a pickup truck passed
me. Out flew a saw horse. It bounced ahead of
But at the last
possible second, it swerved and struck the guard
2. I parked my car by the bowling alley’s rear
entrance and walked through the corridor lead-
ing to the lanes. Inside, I passed a young man
who said, “Give me some money.” I ignored him.
Returning from the rest room, I saw a large
man also walking out. I closely followed him,
almost scuffing his heels. As I expected, the
young man was waiting by the door. I hopped
into my car. Our eyes met. His couldn’t have been
more hate-filled.
3. I was at Rhode Island Hospital in a waiting
room with other women scheduled for a free
examination. An older woman entered and I got
up, offering her my chair. A young man walking
past the door apparently fainted and fell across
the chair I had vacated, and the other woman
not yet occupied. Neither of us was hurt.
4. Several years ago, I was in Providence on an
errand for my husband (a hot day). The car win-
dow was open. I was waiting for the red light to
turn. Suddenly, a wild-eyed man brandishing a
knife appeared at the window! The light turned
green. I slammed on the gas pedal and zoomed
to safety!
5. A few years ago, I was returning from work
and had just driven from Rt. 138 to Rt. 1A. A car
came from Heffie’s Filling Station, zooming
across the road in front of me. I slammed on the
brakes. My skid marks remained several weeks.
—Matthew 28:20b
— Thelma Tarbox
Saunderstown, RI
SR November 2015
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